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This scalping indicator was requested in the indicators’ forum, it contains 2 parabolic SAR of different settings and plot automatically entry, stoploss and target levels calculated with Fibonacci retracement.

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In day trading, scalping is a term for a strategy to prioritize making Guys ! we all know about Renko Charts, you can use this strategy which is really basic, simple but very very effective. For making good profit it's not that you need loaded Indicators and systems, sometimes a very basic system turns to be effective. Here i am discussing a system which always works.

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Die Idee ist ja, solange ich selbst keine Optionen erstelle ist mein Risiko auf 100% Verlust vom Kapital begrenzt. Feb 17, 2021 · Scalping is a trading style that specializes in profiting off of small price changes and making a fast profit off reselling. In day trading, scalping is a term for a strategy to prioritize making Guys ! we all know about Renko Charts, you can use this strategy which is really basic, simple but very very effective. For making good profit it's not that you need loaded Indicators and systems, sometimes a very basic system turns to be effective.