Tom elvis jedusor som voldemort
21 Dec 2020 So, now i discovered that Voldemort's name in french is Tom Elvis Jesudor (witch forms the anagram Je suis Voldemort) and i realized how much i want …
Je sais que cela fait déjà un bout de temps que je la promet, mais elle est enfin là!! Cette fic a commencé à être écrit avant la sortie du Tome 5, alors il n'y à pas de spoiler. Suspense garanti!!! « Vous voulez dire que si cette Helena n'avait pas été tuée par son grand-père à la naissance, Tom Jedusor ne serait pas devenu Lord Voldemort et tous ceux qui sont mort par sa faute seraient…et bien, plus mort ? » Harry demanda à Dumbledore alors qu'ils étaient dans une autre de leurs séances 'souvenirs de Tom pour mieux le détruire'.
So, now i discovered that Voldemort's name in french is Tom Elvis Jesudor (witch forms the anagram Je suis Voldemort) and i realized how much i want a fanfic in an AU where everything is the same but Voldemort acts like Elvis Presley. Find out information about Tom Elvis Jedusor. Like any proper villain, Lord Voldemort quests for immortality and ultimate power. He does not rob banks or hold hostages. Tom Elvis Jedusor, alias Voldemort, a un secret. Il est un vampire. Harry James Potter l'a blessé assez gravement en lui retournant son sort de la mort.
May 14, 2014 · JE SUIS VOLDEMORT. and so the name that replaces Tom Marvolo Riddle in the story is, wait for it… TOM ELVIS JEDUSOR. That’s right, Voldemort’s middle name, if you’re a French reader, is Elvis. It’s actually cleverer than it may look.
Lavender Brown JE SUIS VOLDEMORT. and so the name that replaces Tom Marvolo Riddle in the story is, wait for it… TOM ELVIS JEDUSOR.
And imagine my surprise when I turned the page and found out that the French Voldemort's full name is Tom Elvis Jedusor (which, by the way, turns out to be an anagram of the sentence "Je suis Voldemort", the French version of "I am Voldemort"). I actually snuck a peek at the end of the book to confirm this.
REVIEWS PLEASE! LADY OF THE SHADOWSFanfiction sur Harry Potter : Harry est mort, Ron est mort, Hermione est seule. Voldemort commence son règne sur le monde des sorciers. Et 5/14/2014 Lord Voldemort (ganet Tom Marvolo Riddle e saozneg pe Tom Elvis Jedusor e galleg) zo ur sorser drouk hag a glask ren war ar bed e romantoù Harry Potter skrivet gant J. K. Rowling.Er bestseller anvet Harry Potter ha maen ar furien (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone) (1997) e teu da vezañ enebour-touet Harry Potter.Deskrivet eo evel ur sorser fall hag a glask dastum ur galloud hep e bar Tom Elvis Jedusor : 'Tu es mien à présent, Harry.' Voldemort enroula son bras autour de la taille de Queudever et l'approcha de son torse, son autre main posée fermement sur la joue du rat. Le choc coupa le souffle de Queudever et celui-ci leva les yeux prudemment. Voldemort baissa les yeux vers lui et … 11/15/2017 Lord Voldemort (pop culture) Like any proper villain, Lord Voldemort (or “He- Who-Must-Not-Be-Named” for the more squeamish) quests for immortality and ultimate power.
Je suis la fille de Tom Elvis Jedusor , connu sous le nom de Lord Voldemort. { en réécriture } #amitier #amour #courage #fanfiction #fantastique #magique #touchant "Tom Marvolo Riddle" <-> "I am Lord Voldemort". Other languages revise the anagram to make sense in their tongues — or change his birth-name. For example, in French: Tom Elvis Jedusor <-> Je suis Voldemort.
Il fut l'un des plus dangereux sorciers de tous les temps. In French, Riddle's full name becomes Tom Elvis Jedusor (i.e. phonetically "game of fate" for the French "Jeu du sort", wordplay with a phonetically identical "Jet du sort", which means "Casting spell") which forms an anagram for "Je suis Voldemort" ("I am Voldemort"). So, now i discovered that Voldemort's name in french is Tom Elvis Jesudor (witch forms the anagram Je suis Voldemort) and i realized how much i want a fanfic in an AU where everything is the same but Voldemort acts like Elvis Presley. And imagine my surprise when I turned the page and found out that the French Voldemort's full name is Tom Elvis Jedusor (which, by the way, turns out to be an anagram of the sentence "Je suis Voldemort", the French version of "I am Voldemort"). I actually snuck a peek at the end of the book to confirm this. To make the anagram work there are many different versions of the name in other languages.
Je quitte Read 33 from the story fille de tom elvis jedusor ou voldemort by obriengirls22 with 689 reads. fanfiction, magique, fantastique. Tout le monde nous fixaient Feb 24, 2017 · fille de tom elvis jedusor ou voldemort Fanfiction. Je suis la fille de Tom Elvis Jedusor , connu sous le nom de Lord Voldemort.
To make the anagram work there are many different versions of the name in other languages.
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With the arrival of the film Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and the final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the name Lord Voldemort is well established as a super-villain in children's literature. But this arch-villain and ultimate antagonist in the Harry Potter series, the evil wizard who started life as Tom Marvolo Riddle
Read 1 { Hilary Jedusor } from the story fille de tom elvis jedusor ou voldemort by obriengirls22 with 2,726 reads. amour, fantastique, fanfiction. Je quitte Read 3 { le souvenir } from the story fille de tom elvis jedusor ou voldemort by obriengirls22 with 1,529 reads. amour, courage, touchant.